Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Cognitive Dissonace

So I got a friend request on facebook from a random guy in California. He was big on the Bible and “giving it up to Jesus” so I figured he’d be a fun friend to have around. I read his most recent blog post, it was surprising because he was going against the grain big time by saying that we should follow the Mosaic Laws of the Pentateuch. I made some observations just by looking at his photos, that he clearly doesn’t follow what he’s preaching. I showed him just what it would mean if we followed the Mosaic Laws, oddly enough I actually agree with his premise, not how he came to his conclusion, but nonetheless I agree that Jesus himself explicitly expects Christians to be full hearted observant Jews and follow every law. Paul’s writing is where you get a more relaxed approach to the law. I wonder why it is that Christians follow Paul rather than their own messiah Jesus? Actually I already know, its way more convenient. I mean really, who wants to stop eating bacon? So after a brief exchange back from him, he deleted me and blocked me. Here is the exchange (I always quickly copy conversations like this on the off chance I get deleted), first his moronic blog, notice his honest approach at translation:

“the first rule to translation is that no two scriptures can contradict each other. If they do, you are in need again to look at the verse because your[sic] doing something wrong in translation."

Wow, what a douche! Here it is in its entirety:

For fellow Christians and those who want to hear it.

By Peter Wallace

During the time of the Apostolic Constitutions (early Catholic Church), 4th Century or 300+ years after Christ Jesus, Amphilochius changes the Bible verse in Acts 15:24 from the original meaning of the passage; starting at the word umwn (seeking) and adds “threin ton nomon” (to keep the Law) we do not command. When God opened my eyes to this verse, I immediately got my Greek New Testament out and started translating because I knew something was wrong.

My personal *translation of the verse writes; vs 24 Because, presently seeing to pay, seeking to deceive mismatch soul words to subvert your understanding soul, about no Commandments. I admit, my translations are crude, not allowing for participles, prepositions, etc. I do not apologize. When I read it, I understand it like this; There were some who were looking for gain, playing games with words, to throw off your soul that already seeks the Law, telling them to leave the Commandments.

The Chapter goes on to say in essence that, We (The Elders) are sending you Paul and Barnabas to give you the true instruction from us. Not only that, but the Elders promote going to the Synagogue to hear the Law of Moses in verse 15:21 and would add nothing else to them except the basic Noahide laws in 15:29.

What I don’t want to believe is that the Apostolic Constitutions allowed this to happen on such an important verse, changing a passage designed to bring certainty, to then be used to support the original malignant teaching and problem of lawlessness.

The reason I went ahead and sought translation of this verse more perfectly is because NO WHERE else in the Bible dose it say not to keep the Law (Law of Moses) including ceremonial, and the first rule to translation is that no two scriptures can contradict each other. If they do, you are in need again to look at the verse because your doing something wrong in translation.

On the contrary, I can write to you 100 passages that says to keep the Law and its Ordinances. I do not say to keep the Law to be justified before God for, only Christ Jesus can present you faultless before Gods Throne. The book of Paul the Apostle written to the Galatians explains clearly not to seek justification by lawfulness. But that is another study and herein, we will stay focused on what part we are called to live as Christians.

Shemma (“listen” in Hebrew), I do expect you to pick up your bible and start studying. We must pray that, The One True God (who chose Jerusalem) helps you to receive the truth and He will draw you. Make sure you have a good teacher who depends on the ancient manuscripts to guide you as well. I care for your souls. There is a way to live that is not being taught in Church today that will make you strong and faithful no matter what hits you. And I mean no matter what, if we obey. Im tired of all this 12 step theology. What we need is the 10 Commandments.

Please inquire with any questions or corrections. As you know, I am far from perfect, but I first go directly to The Holy Spirit to understand the Word.

* My Greek New Testament is from The United Bible Society 1966 revised 5th edition 1994 Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, D-Stuttgart.

(Now my comment)

# Josh Robbins:

It’s about time a Christian endorsed the Mosaic Laws! You always hear about this “new covenant” that replaced the old covenant nonsense. Jesus himself was explicit on obeying even the least of the commandments in the beatitudes as depicted in Matthew. There are 613 commandments, not just ten and we should follow them all. I’m glad to see you Peter following Lev. 19:27 that says not to shave your beard or the side of your hair….err…wait…no you must have missed that one. That’s okay because I’m sure your shirt and tie are made of only one kind of fabric right? Because Deut. 22:11 shows how God isn’t cool with two fabrics woven together. But if not, I’ll bet you make up for it by being a good little soldier and you write Shema on the door-post of your house and on the front gate like Deut. 6:9 says right?

Tattoos are a no-no, Leviticus 19:28 states that, wait is that a tattoo on your back? Nah, I’ll bet it’s a temporary tattoo right? I mean you are such a good Mosaic Law follower, there’s no way you’d defy God as I’m sure you abstain from eating shrimp like Lev. 11:9-12 and Deut.14:9-10 says? And I know you make sure that your girlfriends sacrifice two doves after each menstrual cycle by slitting their throats or breaking their necks right? Because Lev. 15: 28-30 requires that she does so. Who did you buy as a slave? Someone from Canada or Mexico? I prefer the Mexicans, Canadians are a bit uppity and lazy for my taste.

I’m so glad the bible endorses the trading of humans in Leviticus 25:44 and the beating of them in Exodus 21:20-21 is permitted as long as they recover from the beating after a day or two because as it says “they are your property”. I’ll bet you’re totally following the many commandments to stone people to death for various reasons such as being gay, working on the Sabbath, adulterers, atheists, false prophets and unruly children right? I mean I know I do, I’m asking people all the time if they have cheated on their spouse or if they’re atheist and then if they admit they are, I always have a stone handy to bludgeon him/her to death with. I’m so glad you’re a good man and you are encouraging people to follow the Mosaic laws, amen brother!

# Peter Wallace:

you would be even happier to know I do keep the Law, fabrics and all except any sacrifices because Jesus fulfilled that. You are grossly errant concerning the other matters. I say, Go and sin no more. Or wait for the Day when all your courage melts away and you are cast into darkness, and weeping and nashing of teeth.

# Josh Robbins:

Ah threats, I love those. It shows just how strong your beliefs are, by threatening people with eternal torment. Very nice. By the way it's gnashing not "nashing".

And then he ended our lovely friendship.